

主演:李惠茹 ,马登琴 ,张祥蕙  奥黛丽 




飘花午夜电影网9a692a是导演李育源 ,卢淑芬 拍摄的一部安道尔剧,该剧编剧是孙治木

主演由蔡淑依 ,蔡佩圣 ,刘丽颖 ,王瑞杰 ,陈金昀 ,廖佳琪 ,张淑娟 ..该片评分是10分,飘花午夜电影网上映于2014-10-30的迁西县 ,http://www.mugua11.shop第一时间收录《飘花午夜电影网》的(英语,国语,原声版)并提供免费在线观看,本剧主要讲述:Being come to Florence, he went to an Inne kept by two brethren,neere neighbours to the dwelling of his Mistresse, and the first thinghe did, was passing by her doore, to get a sight of her if he wereso happie. But he found the windowes, doores, and all parts of thehouse fast shut up, whereby he suspected her to be dead, or else to bechanged from her dwelling: wherefore (much perplexed in minde) he wenton to the two brothers Inne, finding foure persons standing at thegate, attired in mourning, whereat he marvelled not a little;knowing himselfe to be so transfigured, both in body and babite, farrefrom the manner of common use at his parting thence, as it was adifficult matter to know him: he stept boldly to a Shooe-makers shopneere adjoyning, and demanded the reason of their wearing mourning.The Shooe-maker made answer thus; Sir, those men are clad in mourning,because a brother of theirs, being named Theobaldo (who hath beeneabsent hence a long while) about some fifteene dayes since was slaine.And they having heard, by proofe made in the Court of justice, thatone Aldobrandino Palermini (who is kept close prisoner) was themurtherer of him, as he came in a disguised habite to his daughter, ofwhom he was most affectionately enamoured; cannot chuse, but let theWorld know by their outward habits, the inward affliction of theirhearts, for a deede so dishonourably committed. Theobaldo wonderedgreatly hereat, imagining, that some man belike resembling him inshape, might be slaine in this manner, and by Aldobrandino, forwhose misfortune he grieved marvellously. As concerning his Mistresse,he understood that shee was living, and in good health; and nightdrawing on apace, he went to his lodging, with infinite molestationsin his minde, where after supper, he was lodged in a Corne-loft withhis man. Now by reason of many disturbing imaginations, whichincessantly wheeled about his braine, his bed also being none of thebest, and his supper (perhaps) somewhat of the coursest; a greatpart of the night was spent, yet could he not close his eyes together.But lying still broade awake, about the dead time of night, he heardthe treading of divers persons over his head, who discended downe apaire of stayres by his Chamber, into the lower parts of the house,carrying a light with them, which he discerned by the chinkes andcrannies in the wall. Stepping softly out of his bed, to see whatthe meaning hereof might be, he espied a faire young woman, whocarried a light in her hand, and three men in her company,descending downe the stayres together, one of them speaking thus tothe young woman. Now we may boldly warrant our saftey, because we haveheard it assuredly, that the death of Theobaldo Elisei, hath beenesufficiently approved by the Brethren, against Aldobrandino Palermini,and he hath confessed the fact; whereupon the sentence is alreadyset downe in writing. But yet it behooveth us notwithstanding, toconceale it very secretly, because if ever hereafter it should beknowne, that we are they who murthered him, we shall be in the samedanger, as now Aldobrandino is.




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