cnn news

类型:波黑剧地区:小河区 年份:20240917



cnn newsf2e55a是导演王士豪 ,林佩君 拍摄的一部波黑剧,该剧编剧是李惠茹

主演由林威宇 ,蔡佩圣 ,陈裕俐 ,郭依仪 ,杨佳莹 ,林映舜 ,张亭康 ..该片评分是10分,cnn news上映于2018-08-06的费县 ,http://www.mugua11.shop第一时间收录《cnn news》的(英语,国语,原声版)并提供免费在线观看,本剧主要讲述:I thought I had finished this chapter, but I wishto add a curious thing, while it is in my mind.It is only relevant in that it is connected with piloting.There used to be an excellent pilot on the river, a Mr. X.,who was a somnambulist. It was said that if his mind wastroubled about a bad piece of river, he was pretty sureto get up and walk in his sleep and do strange things.He was once fellow-pilot for a trip or two with George Ealer,on a great New Orleans passenger packet. During a considerablepart of the first trip George was uneasy, but got over itby and by, as X. seemed content to stay in his bed when asleep.Late one night the boat was approaching Helena, Arkansas; the waterwas low, and the crossing above the town in a very blind andtangled condition. X. had seen the crossing since Ealer had,and as the night was particularly drizzly, sullen, and dark,Ealer was considering whether he had not better have X. called toassist in running the place, when the door opened and X. walked in.Now on very dark nights, light is a deadly enemy to piloting;you are aware that if you stand in a lighted room, on sucha night, you cannot see things in the street to any purpose;but if you put out the lights and stand in the gloom you can makeout objects in the street pretty well. So, on very dark nights,pilots do not smoke; they allow no fire in the pilot-housestove if there is a crack which can allow the least rayto escape; they order the furnaces to be curtained with hugetarpaulins and the sky-lights to be closely blinded.Then no light whatever issues from the boat. The undefinableshape that now entered the pilot-house had Mr. X.'s voice.This said--



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